Please find below my progress video for my Ukelele practice:
I have been trying to learn: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (which can also be transferrable to learning the ABC’s – which would both work great for working in the primary level).
While this is not perfect, I am proud of my progress as I have been trying and I don’t have any previous experience playing instruments. In my original Midterm Goal I was hoping to have learned two songs by now but I have had to revise this goal as I came up against some challenges when learning an instrument.
I think this is a good lesson – we can encourage our students to have big goals but we also have to allow them to revise this and learn from the process.
While at times I felt pretty frustrated when learning the ukelele, I also took this as an opportunity to feel like my students learning something new and the challenges that this brings!
Thank you,
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