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Category: EDCI 336 (Page 2 of 2)

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EdCamp Reflection

Today’s lesson on creating our own version of EdCamp was such an interesting experience for us to take part of.

I really liked having the opportunity for us as a class to come up with topics and have discussions on a variety of topics.

I like this idea for future conferences as well as for using as a teaching opportunity in my future classes.

My group focused on a Teacher Career Path. I was interested in this and was hoping to learn from others their ideas on what their path might look like and any advice they have been given from this. We discussed the path to administrative work, such as by obtaining your Masters and what this could look like. We talked about the idea of going for your masters right away or waiting a few years and do more.

We also discussed the difficulties of networking at this time and options for this, we are building connections with our current experience aspect of our program but we also can make connections online with some teachers who are using social media to connect.

A few of us talked about the idea of working locally versus in other places, the differences between local school districts and the role of a TOC.


Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry (PSII) Reflection

Learning about PSII has been fascinating. I cannot believe I have never heard of this school before, despite living in Victoria all of my life. Hearing Jeff Hopkins speak about the school and tour the school has been a great experience.

I loved that Jeff refers to the students as “learners” I think that this is really powerful and shows respect for the students as well as it helps identify the aim of the school. Not a process for students to get through but instead an environment for learners to flourish. I have often heard that the process of school is really to teach people how to learn. I think that this idea is powerful. Instead of memorizing facts if students could learn how to learn and become “learners” this would benefit them more then what our current system does.

I feel like in the last few years is really when I have began to really understand how I learn and start this process. In my previous schooling I was always focused on getting the assignments done well and I was worried about the grading aspect not the learning aspect.

I honestly wish I had an opportunity like PSII.

The environment that Jeff fosters at PSII is also incredible, from quiet spaces, to mixed-use collaborative space. You can tell that the facility is working for the students not the other way around.

When I looked at the calendar of opt-in classes I was so envious! I want to attend some of these! How cool would it to create your schedule in high-school and focus on your interests. I love this idea.

While I know that for some students this may not work or at least not right away I do think that these ideas could be tailored into our current public school system. We could learn a lot for PSII and I hope that future educators and our education system is able to take these lessons into practice.


Continuing My Understanding for Inquiry

I have become more interested in inquiry-based learning and learning centers.

These are two ideas that I think my education definitely didn’t have looking back but they are two important components as I learn and have experiences in the classroom that I want to have for my students!

I have always loved reading and I enjoyed going to the library as a student. But in comparison to what I am seeing in my school experiences is a very different library experience.

Students have a lesson every visit! They are introduced to a variety of types of reading materials and genres. Instead of just being forced to read the idea of these visits is to actually enjoy reading and want the students to continue to come back for reading!

I love this idea so much!



Rebecca Bathurst-Hunt Class Visit Video

#InquiryMindset has been something that feels like a buzzword for nearly every class I am currently taking. If I could sum up a theme of my studies this year so far I would say it is something like “inquiry-based learning” and this does interest me definitely as I feel like I didn’t have any of this during my schooling previously.

Finding ways to incorporate inquiry in my future classroom has definitely felt intimidating! That was until I watched the video of last year’s class visit to hear Rebecca Bathurst-Hunt speak on this and how she incorporates inquiry in her kindergarten classroom!

I wish so much that our cohort could have visited Rebecca’s classroom! I hope to be able to visit Rebecca’s classroom one day but meanwhile watching the video was a great way to feel less overwhelmed by the idea of trying to have my students explore inquiry.

I think incorporating inquiry into your teaching can definitely feel like a big overwhelming task along with ensuring that students learn all of the other required pieces of the curriculum.

Rebecca approaches this in such an easy way, she suggests even just starting by introducing a unit by asking your students a question to see their understanding. For example, when teaching patterns you can ask students “What do you know about patterns?” and “What are some patterns that you see?” this is a great way to start about thinking about inquiry and have your students engaged in your lesson.

I loved thinking about these ideas and want to continue to explore Rebecca Bathurst-Hunt’s teachings, her blog is here: Blog


Presentation: Jesse Miller

This week’s class we had the privilege of having guest speaker: Jesse Miller  present to us his work on Technology and Education. Jesse is a Technology Thought-Leader and his work can be found on his website: Jesse Miller Website

This was such an interesting class! Jesse has so much experience with incorporating technology into the classroom as well as navigating some challenges with the changing ways of tech. He has worked in various school districts helping with policy and curriculum for students and he was a great resource for us as future educators. 

I think an interesting topic that he brought up that we haven’t talked about yet was the personal technology use as teachers. As educators we have a few potential audiences of our technology use – the public, parents, co-workers and students. Any social media use of educators will be viewed by these potential audiences – Jesse mentioned that essentially educators are held to a different standard! 

Along with the many district policies of technology use there are also standards all-around for educators to be professionals at all points of their lives – not only while in public but also digitally in their private lives. I could tell that this idea wasn’t common for some of my cohort and it was a good wake-up call for us as prospective teachers. 

Jesse’s talk felt like a great introduction to the ever-changing world of technology in the schools and the importance of districts to be looking and funding this. 

For more information – Check out Jesse’s Ted Talk



Orange Shirt Day

This week I was fortunate enough to be observing a grade 5 class on September 30th Orange Shirt Day. 

I was able to see first-hand current student’s knowledge on the meaning of Orange Shirt Day and how teacher’s teach kids what this means to them. 

In my class we started by showing the kids a video on Orange Shirt Day:

Then after the video there was a discussion on the importance and meaning behind wearing an orange shirt on this day and why. Student’s could then fill in a sheet with some discussion questions as well as an opportunity to colour a new shirt design for Orange Shirt Day. 

I found student’s really engaged in this and asking thoughtful questions as well as coming up with ideas on how they would remember this day. Many students were aware of Orange Shirt Day already and some were surprised at this history as well. 

I was happy to see student engagement with this topic and I think having these open discussions in schools is so important. I have looked into a few student resources on this topic and I hope to incorporate them into my classroom in the future. 

Books for Kids

Teacher Resources

Learn More Here: Orange Shirt Day Website



Free Inquiry and Open Education

This week was my first visit in a classroom for an experience aspect of my teaching program.

One of the first things my class did was have their weekly visit to the library!

I was excited since one of my passions is reading and I am especially interested in how to learn to make reading exciting for my students.

This library visit was different from the ones I remember in my elementary school years. Instead of just getting time to find some books the librarian guided the students through some ideas for picking out books and how to not get discouraged if they may have not enjoyed their books, he was sure to encourage every student in finding something they would enjoy.

This was such a fun way at looking at things  – students were encouraged to find something they enjoyed and from there to challenge themselves if they like or remember that reading is something enjoyable.

There wasn’t pressure to read a full chapter book and instead the emphasis was on enjoying this activity.

Later that day during our class seminar we had this librarian as a guest speaker to talk a little bit about the roles of librarians and how they can work with teachers on a variety of projects for students.

One of the biggest themes of the day was the shift in focus to Inquiry-based Learning for students. I must admit this idea still feels a little strange to me and even our seminar leaders admitted that this was a stressful change for them in their teaching careers. But I do love the idea of empowering students to learn for themselves and question things. My education was mostly just remembering facts and presenting them and I am excited to shift teaching to suit our world.

I see myself shifting my project to finding a passion with learning and reading. Maybe my passion is just teaching? I guess that would mean I am in the right profession, I feel excited to be learning how to teach as I have been trying for this goal for awhile and I hope to continue to feel this way throughout my career.


Open Education Resources

This week we dived into the growing trend of Open Education Resources.

This year has really shown the importance of access to educational tools for everyone and schools have show how this can be achieved.

As a current university student I have definitely felt the pain of having to buy expensive textbooks. This seems to be even more relevant in the digital era where the resources teachers want you to have can be accessible in different ways.

Even the course materials offered to us from instructors are often posted into a server that we cannot access once the class has ended. Does this make sense to deny students access to materials they paid for and may need for future studies?

If the goal is to encourage more learning… why are things not accessible?

As a future educator I have definitely thought about this for my students. I want them to have access to every learning material that they need and as I recently witnessed in my school visit this week, it does seem like school’s are trying to move forward with this.

Gone are computer labs and instead devices are brought into the classroom with students learning to access materials themselves. While some of this was COVID-19 preparation (in case students have to learn from home) this did show me a different view of accessing materials.

My class also had the opportunity to go to the library during my visit. I was really impressed with how libraries are changing into resource and learning centers and are encouraging inquiry-based learning.

I will be exploring more about how libraries are changing in my next post!



Resources Shared with Me:

Free Inquiry Post #1

The opportunity to decide on a Free Inquiry Project is pretty exciting and also a little intimidating.

A passion project for me at this point probably incorporates something in relation to education as I have been working towards this goal for some time.

Some ideas I have so far:

  • Reading/The importance of books in relation to education
  • New  Ways of Teaching
  • Mindfulness in Education
  • Decolonizing Education

At this point I am still deciding on a few ideas or maybe trying to see how to incorporate many ideas into one project.

I want to dive into a topic and research education in new and exciting ways!


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